Transformational Procurement

Transitioning from traditional transactional approaches towards strategic procurement

Digital Transformations are an exciting time for many enterprises. They are also often fraught with tension as the enterprise changes to accommodate new systems, processes and ways-of-working that emerge.

Transitioning from traditional transactional approaches towards strategic procurement, focusing on long-term needs, to meet the broader strategic aims of the organisation.

Aiding our Clients achieve their transformational goals through mapping the strategic needs of the organisation, understanding the risks of alternatives, considering tactical vs strategic options, providing cases for inhouse and outsource, advising on the best types of relationships to build with suppliers, and ensuring options clearly meet the specifications required.

The Problem

Whether the transformation is to address new business drivers, market changes or to fix technical debt, it will usually involve acquiring new technology/services and often demising the old too. This is much more than simply the process of buying technology/services. And it is pivotal to delivering success in most technology transformation journeys, to ensure the transformation doesn’t get bogged down, or disappoint in delivery. We call this Transformational Procurement. This area of expertise supports other specialties such as Operating Model and Holistic Technology Transformation.

The Refractis Way

We do transformational procurement, by augmenting and enhancing the client’s category procurement team, helping the client to make the right procurement choices based on our practical experience of implementation.

Over the years Refractis have collectively procured and delivered billions of dollars of transformational services.

We can deliver:

  • Pre-procurement: assistance with drafting the business case and planning the procurement

  • Legacy management: improving or amending legacy deals and relationships

  • Procurement support: assistance with the procurement process, augmenting client procurement staff

  • Project/supplier turnaround: getting a problematic situation back on the rails

Transformational Procurement Angles